¡Fue lanzado en 2015 y todavía es genial! Gran trabajo de muestreo e ingeniería. Todos los ajustes son útiles, siendo el ‘Close’ Mic mi preferido para Pop y practicas, y el ‘Side’ para Jazz y grabaciones. Este VST muestra una interfaz clara e inteligente. La el rango dinámico es enorme, tocando desde dulces piannísimos hasta estruendosos fortissimos. Tonos bajos fuertes, ricos y claros (puedo tocar acordes en este rango sin borrosidad), rango medio y alto ricos y sonoros. Thanks to VSTBuzz for bringing back this great deal!Įn castellano: Después de tocar muchos VST de piano (Keyscape, Garritan CFX, NI Grandeur, otros), encuentro un placer especial al tocar el RC275. It was released in 2015 and still rocks! Great sampling and engineering job. All settings are useful, being the ‘Close’ Mic my preferred for Pop and practicing, and the ‘Side’ Mic for Jazz and recordings. This VST shows a clear and clever interface. The dynamics are huge, from sweet piannisimos to thunderous fortissimos. Strong rich and clear bass tones (I can play chords on this range without muddiness), rich medium and high range. 27, No.After playing many piano VSTs (Keyscape, Garritan CFX, NI Grandeur, others), I find a special pleasure playing RC275.

Published on Nocturne in C-sharp minor, Op. Published on A simple melody to James Horner Genre Classical Contains tracks Promises by Sam Sorensen - R275 Player & Side mics

This instrument has been deeply sampled resulting in a piano VI of nearly 17,000 samples in a mere 6 GB library. The signature Ravenscroft tone has the warmth and purity of the fine European pianos, the harmonic complexity of the older great American pianos and the clarity and articulation of the great Asian pianos. The Ravenscroft 275 is an amazingly versatile 9' concert grand piano, and it's now available as a virtual instrument from VI Labs.